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[GUI] NGUI: Next-Gen UI 2018.3.0f









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最佳新人 活跃会员 热心会员 灌水之王 突出贡献

发表于 2019-5-13 14:57:44 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
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NGUI is a very powerful UI system and event notification framework.

- Editor integration, WYSIWYG
- Localization, data binding, delegates, events
- Supports all platforms
- Make UIs that take 1 draw call
- Comes with full C# source code
- Extensively optimized
- Dedicated support

- NEW: As the name suggests, support for Unity 2018.3 and its new prefab workflow. Still supports previous versions, including Unity 5.6.
- NEW: NGUI's atlases and fonts are now saved as ScriptableObjects instead of prefabs. To upgrade, select any old prefab-based atlas or font, and the Upgrade button will show up. BACK UP FIRST just in case! After the new asset gets created, the old atlas or font will be changed to Reference type, pointing to it. You can use the new asset directly, of course -- and if you are Unity savvy enough, you can swap their GUIDs from the meta files, effectively removing the need for the reference asset altogether.
- NEW: Added a new widget type: Sprite Collection. It can be used to efficiently add thousands of sprites without the overhead of creating game objects. This is meant to be used from code by programmers, but can speed up the creation and modification of sprites by several orders of magnitude. In Sightseer it allowed the world map creation to go from 3348 ms down to 22 ms, for example.
- NEW: Added UITweener.Finish() to immediately finish the tween, skipping to the end.
- FIX: Some fixes for key binding text form serialization.

- FIX: Fixed SpringPanel never finishing its operation.
- FIX: Fixed widget Depth not being visible on widget prefab instances in Unity 2018.3.
- FIX: Fixed an issue with reference fonts not picking up on referenced font's changes.
- FIX: Minor Unity 2018.3 tweaks.

- FIX: Editing sprite border and padding on the atlas will now correctly mark the atlas as edited.
- FIX: Adjusting panel's alpha will now again work properly in edit time.

- NEW: Added a 'fixed aspect' option to the UISprite, matching 2D sprite and UI texture.
- FIX: Dynamic font's default scaling fix.
- FIX: Changing widget alpha should immediately update the scene view in edit mode again.
- FIX: "style not found" when examining the UILocalize component in Unity 2018.

NGUI Next-Gen UI.zip

12.54 MB, 下载次数: 25

售价: 10 纳金币  [记录]

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