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[渲染专区] Light Map HDRLight Studio Pro V4.2 - HDRI 制作软件









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发表于 2013-8-13 16:31:24 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
pstatus"> 本帖最后由 艾西格亚 于 2013-8-22 19:14 编辑


Introduction to Image-based Lighting

High Dynamic Range Images (HDRIs) have been used for many years to light computer renderings. HDRIs are a mature technology with almost all 3D renderers now supporting fast and efficient rendering using image-based lighting. In fact, most real-time rendering software relies on HDRIs as the main source of lighting and reflections. But why have HDRIs become such an important part of the CG lighting toolkit? The answer is realism.

HDR lighting images capture a lot of useful information that is stored by each pixel as color and brightness values. Surrounding a 3D computer model with this data generates the brightness and color of the illumination coming from all directions and provides all the reflections seen by the 3D model. A bright light in a HDRI creates a bright reflection, and a bright reflection creates bright illumination from that direction. The lighting and reflections are therefore hard-wired together in a HDRI. This is why renderers using photo-real materials and HDRI lighting can create amazingly realistic results that are photographic and truly believable as real and not computer generated.

Static HDRI Environments

Historically, HDR lighting has been provided by static HDR images captured photographically with time consuming techniques or by using expensive specialized HDRI photographic hardware, like a Spheron camera. This made sense, as image-based lighting has traditionally been used to visualize CG objects in a specific real-world environment, such as a CG car being visualized on a stretch of road or in the countryside.

HDR Light Studio 2.0 - Interactive HDRIs

But why should HDRIs be restricted to static environments? Could image-based lighting evolve and become even more useful? Could HDRI lighting techniques become as flexible as CG lighting so lights can easily be moved and adjusted? The answer is yes!

HDR Light Studio 2.0 provides a sophisticated real-time HDRI lighting design tool that 3D artists and designers can use to quickly design studio lighting or to enhance existing static HDRI environments. HDRIs have become interactive, and this provides a totally new way to light your models! If this sounds exciting, then checkout the full list of HDR Light Studio 2.0 features.

HDR Light Studio:专业级高动态范围3D渲染专家。它能够帮助3D艺术家快速进行设计,创建,调整HDRI高动态范围照明/反射图,包括摄影工作室光照效果。

HDR Light Studio专为3D计算机图形艺术家而生,能够建立专业摄影样式的产品 渲染效果,产品 包装,以及媒介。根据用户的三维数据,产生高品质的专业级HDRI高动态范围图片,能够和传统的摄影完美匹配。

HDR Light Studio2.0更新
HDR Light Studio2.0带来了一系列的重大更新,并重新定义了HDR Light Studio作为一个新的、超快速的方式来给3D模型打灯光,同时还能保证高品质的照片级效果。


HDR Light Studion 2.0专业版能够加载现有的HDRI环境——.HDR或.EXR文件作为一个背景图像,并应用在每一个灯光设计中。这意味着可以通过添加更多的光照和效果来增强真实世界的位置,以确保带来最好的3D渲染。


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