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[Shaders] Shader Forge 1.0.4 - 牛人必备的材质编辑器









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


最佳新人 活跃会员 热心会员 灌水之王 突出贡献

发表于 2015-1-21 18:00:35 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览

Requires Unity 4.3.0 or higher.

Unity and Unity Pro 4.3+ compatible
Partial Unity 5 support - more coming soon!

Shader Forge is a node-based shader editor, aiming to push the visual quality of Unity to new heights, giving you the artistic freedom of shader creation in a visual and intuitive way - no code required!

• Create shaders visually, without any coding needed
• No extra files to sync over your version control system; Shader Forge uses a single file for shaders - the .shader file itself
• SF writes CG shaders that can be used in any project, without installing Shader Forge
• Works in both Unity Pro and Unity Free
• Documentation and support center, for contributing feedback and bug reports

Some of the features:
• Built-in Physically Based Lighting mode and energy conserving shading
• Visual and intuitive interface - Get a clear overview of what each node does
• Custom lighting nodes and IBL support, with seamless Skyshop integration coming soon!
• DX11 Tessellation & Displacement
• Transparency; both partial and alpha clipping
• Refraction & Render Textures
• Optionally use lightmapping and light probes / Spherical harmonics
• Plus all the essentials such as cubemaps, custom blending modes, depth sorting, fog control, and much much more!

Alpha/Beta tests so far:
Shader Forge has been alpha-tested by a wide range of developers at companies ranging from several large studios such as Blizzard, DICE, Ubisoft, Bungie, EA, Avalanche Studios, Rovio, to indie studios such as Killbrite, InXile, The Chinese Room, and even developers like Marmoset, Samsung and Unity themselves.

Shader Forge 1.04.part1.rar

18 MB, 下载次数: 232

Shader Forge 1.04.part2.rar

18 MB, 下载次数: 200

Shader Forge 1.04.part3.rar

18 MB, 下载次数: 158

Shader Forge 1.04.part4.rar

9.2 MB, 下载次数: 91

已有 2 人评分纳金币 收起 理由
huhumark + 5 很给力!
艾西格亚 + 5

总评分: 纳金币 + 10   查看全部评分

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