Institute of Art Studies, Folklore Studies and Ethnology. M.T. Rilsky NAS of Ukraine originates from a number of ethnographic and art-study centers that have arisen in the 20's of the last century. In 1920 the Ethnographic Commission was formed, which played a leading role in the development of ethnographic and folklore science. The activity of the commission was especially fruitful in 1925 - 1930, when it was headed by the famous folklorist, Professor of the University of Kyiv AMLoboda. The first state ethnographic institution in the system of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was the Cabinet of Anthropology and Ethnology. Khv.Vovka (1922), who began anthropological and ethnographic research throughout the territory of Ukraine. The study of musical folklore made a lot of the Department of Music Ethnography, headed by Professor K.V.Kvitka.
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