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[插件资源] Control Freak - The Ultimate Virtual Controller for Unity









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


最佳新人 活跃会员 热心会员 灌水之王 突出贡献

发表于 2014-4-2 14:34:18 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览

Requires Unity 3.5.7 or higher.

Main Features :
* NEW Kuroato Media and Dan's Game Tools have Partnered to offer a Mobile Control Plugin for UnityAGK: Action Game Kit via Control Freak.

* NEW! Port your PC game to Android and iOS in minutes with our new CFInput wrapper class! Just drag-and drop one of controller prefabs into a scene, then go to your code and use "Replace All" function to turn every "Input." into "CFInput." and done - your game is now cross-platform!

* NEW! Source Code Template Generator - create fully functional C#/JS code with one click.
* NEW! Unity 3.5.7 Support let's you target wider range of devices.
* NEW! Controller Presets - pre-made controllers ready for use, including presets for Bootcamp, 3rd Person Perspective Platformer, Unity 4.3 2D Demo, Complete Physics Platformer (experimantal) and more...

* Intiutive, Procedural API - say good-bye to event-based systems and handle complex input easily!
* Ergonomic Layout - each control's placement and size is specified in centimeters or inches to make sure that your virtual controller feels comfortable on every screen size and orientation.

* Thanks to intelligent hit-detection, there will be no problem with pressing the right button - no matter how small the screen is! Manual layout at run-time is also supported.

* WYSIWYG Editing - preview inside Editor, without pressing Play button.

* Screen Emulation inside Unity Editor - quickly test you layout on a variety of screens. Presets for the most popular devices are easily accessible.
* Complete Control for a real control freak. If you don't trust the automatic mode, you can manually update and render your controller.

* Configurable multi-purpose touch zones - create anything from simple buttons to multi-touch gesture detectors. Supported gestures include: Tap, Double Tap, Drag, Pinch, Twist.

* Rock-solid Stick Conrtols. Static and dynamic modes. Analog, 8-way and 4-way digital.
* Custom GUI Support - render all or individual controls your own way.
* Unity Remote Support.
* Collection of Examples in C# and UnityScript: Dual Stick Shooter, FPP Shooter, JRPG, Map and more.
* Comprehensive documentation with step-by-step guides in searchable HTML format.

...and more!

Remember to backup your project before import. Just in case.


13.08 MB, 阅读权限: 10, 下载次数: 33

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