





(周一到周五, 周六周日休息)


伏尔加格勒国立技术大学 伏尔加格勒国立技术大学

The University trained in 14 fields of Bachelors’ degree, 40 specialties, 21 Masters’ Program. 437 students studied in PhD Program.
2010 – 80th anniversary of VSTU. More than 20000 student...

沃罗涅日国立工程技术大学 沃罗涅日国立工程技术大学

沃罗涅日国立工程技术大学(Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology)简称沃工技大(VSUET), 坐落于俄罗斯中央黑土地区沃罗涅日州首府沃罗涅日市市中心,沃罗涅日是俄罗斯十大城市之一,俄罗斯海军的诞生地。沃罗涅日国立工程技术大学创办于1930年6月23日,是俄罗斯一所著名的高等理工大学,专于培育化工、化学、物理、食品工业、管理...

莫斯科国立开放大学 莫斯科国立开放大学

At present more than 35,000 students are training at the University, the teaching staff is almost 1500 people. There are 78 departments and 7 institutes in the university (Engineering Design Inst...

新西伯利亚国立技术大学 新西伯利亚国立技术大学

established in 1950 as Novosibirsk Electric Technical Institute (NETI); in 1992 it was renamed into Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU).

The founder of the Novosibirsk St...

西伯利亚国立交通大学(新西伯利亚) 西伯利亚国立交通大学(新西伯利亚)

Welcome to the Siberian Transport University, one of the leading technical schools in Russia in the transport industry. Having started as the Track Construction and Maintenance Institute of Railw...

莫斯科国立林业大学 莫斯科国立林业大学

Moscow State Forest University – specialized establishment of higher education which trains engineering personnel, scientists as well as bachelors and masters for forest industry, wood processing...

下哥罗德国立技术大学 下哥罗德国立技术大学

Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic Institute (NNPI) was founded on the basis of the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute  on October, the 1st, 1917.
Gorky Polytechnic Institute was awarded with...

圣彼得堡国立建筑大学 圣彼得堡国立建筑大学

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering” (SPSUACE) today is a big educational and scientific c...

别尔哥罗德国立工艺大学 别尔哥罗德国立工艺大学

The long way from Russia are well-known scientific schools and scientists of our university, innovation technique in building industry and construction are successfully applied at the Russian lea...

远东联邦大学 远东联邦大学

We are excited to welcome you at the website of Far Eastern Federal University, one of the leading federal universities of Russia.

FEFU is the bearer of traditions of the Russian ...

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