Simple High-End Mobile Shaders简单移动端-Simple High-End Mobile Shaders简单移动端下载-免费下载3D模型库-汇宝盆
汇宝盆 > 资源交易区 > 3D插件 > Unity > Simple High-End Mobile Shaders简单移动端
Simple High-End Mobile Shaders简单移动端




Requires Unity 5.4.4 or higher. Total 8 object shaders and 24 full screen effects for your mobile games. Shaders created for next-gen mobiles. But can be used for every device, console or pc. Object shaders uses mirror cam scripts to create effects. Most effects runs smoothly Shaders: 1-Mirror (texture, blur, refraction, light, lightmap and shadow support - for flat objects) 2-Distortion (to simulate fire heat or engine heat with a particle system) 3-Refraction (for flat and 3d objects, you can make glass or 3d objects like ice cubes). Texture support. 3-Blur (for flat and 3d objects). Texture support. 4-Mosaic (for flat and 3d objects). Make censored items or areas. 5-CRT (for flat objects). Make security cams or old TV simulations. 6-Portal (for flat objects). Make enter-exit portal gates. 7-Water (for flat objects). Make flat, animated water surface; with surface reflections and under water refractions. 8-Ghost (for flat and 3d objects). Simulate transparent-ghost-stealth like objects. Image Effects: 1-Blur + Iterations 2-GameBoy + Color + Size 3-Mosaic + Size 4-Refraction + Size 5-CRT + Customization 6-Simple Displacement + Speed + Size 7-Vertical Wave + Size +Speed 8-Negative 9-Sobel + Color + Detail 10-Scan + Size + Color + Speed 11-Hoizontal Wave + Size +Speed 12-TV 70's Effect + RGB Shift + Scan + Corners 13-Edge Substraction + Color + Threshold 14-Distorted Lens + Power 15-Two Color Mix + Luminance 16-Dot Effect + Block Size + Dot Size 17-Focused Blur + Focus Place + Step Size + Radius + Smoothness 18-Emboss Effect + Strength + Angle 19-Under Waters + Vertical - Horizontal Strengths 20-Night Vision + Noise + Light Power + Flicker Power + Vignette 21-Lego + Block Size + Shadow 22-Glitch + Nosei + Speed + Size 23-Vintage + Luminance 24-Heat + Noise + Luminance

    插件名称:Simple High-End Mobile Shaders简单移动端 大      小:70M 价格:¥1.00
    软件要求:Unity 5.4.4以上 运行环境:


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关键词: 着色器Unity


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