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[插件资源] AVPro Movie Capture 3.7.4









Rank: 5Rank: 5


最佳新人 活跃会员 热心会员 灌水之王 突出贡献

发表于 2019-9-3 16:20:05 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
+ Very easy to use
+ Optimised for high performance
+ Simultaneous captures
+ Supports Unity 5.6+, 2017.x, 2018.x, 2019.x
+ Real-time capture and offline rendering
+ Rendering to 8K resolution
+ Works in the editor and also in standalone builds
+ 360 and 180 VR captures (mono and stereo
+ Omni-directional stereo (ODS) support for VR renders
+ Motion blur rendering
+ Linear and Gamma colour-spaces supported
+ Can capture alpha channel for creating transparent videos
+ Records audio directly from Unity or from a system recording device

change log
Version 3.7.4 - 14 June 2019
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed rare crash bug reported on Intel HD Graphics 620
■ Added back previously removed call to Stop()
● Version 3.7.2 - 17 May 2019
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed major crash bug that would sometimes happens when stopping
a capture
■ Fixed a crash bug that could happen by quitting the application while a
capture is running
● Version 3.7.0 - 21 February 2019
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed issue where certain effects (eg skinned meshes) would be
captured incorrectly. We now wait for the end of the frame to capture.
This can be disabled using the WaitForEndOfFrame property
● Version 3.6.10 - 13 February 2019
○ Improvements
■ Added support for codecs and microphone device names with unicode
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AVPro Movie Capture © 2012-2019 RenderHeads Ltd
● Version 3.6.8 - 1 November 2018
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed a crash bug that sometimes happened when stopping the
capture due to a threading issue
● Version 3.6.7 - 4 September 2018
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed a memory leak that would happen at the end of each capture
● Version 3.6.6 - 23 July 2018
○ Improvements
■ Added faster and more accurate stereo 360 rendering via adding
support for Unity 2018.1’s stereo cubemap rendering to the
CaptureFromCamera360 component
● Version 3.6.5 - 9 July 2018
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed bug with audio capture of Unity audio (regression since 3.6.0)
● Version 3.6.4 - 7 July 2018
○ Improvements
■ PNG exporter now supports exporting without alpha
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed the PNG writer for high resolutions
● Version 3.6.2 - 6 July 2018
○ Improvements
■ Exported PNG files now more compatible (eg photoshop After Effects,
Premiere, Nuke etc)
● Version 3.6.0 - 28 June 2018
○ Improvements
■ Simultaneous captures are now supported (BETA)
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed some codecs (such as MagicYUV) not being enumerated
■ Fixed errors when stopping a Stereo ODS capture from the Capture
● Version 3.5.2 - 1 June 2018
○ Improvements
■ MP4 encoding can now applies the “fast start” patch which moves the
‘moov’ atom to the start of the file. This allows these videos to be
directly streamed from websites or servers
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AVPro Movie Capture © 2012-2019 RenderHeads Ltd
■ The Movie Capture window is now persistent allowing it to capture
across scene changes
■ Added new persistent option to prevent CaptureFrom components
being destroyed during scene loads
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed instantiation issue where OnDestroy() would unload the entire
● Version 3.5.0 - 25 May 2018
○ Improvements
■ Added image sequence output mode with fast PNG support
■ Moved all capture functions from Update() to LateUpdate() to fix
issues where some game logic hadn’t been applied before the capture
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed issue where using Final IK with the “Fix Transforms” field ticked
would result in the IK not being applied
■ Fixed issue where first frame of wouldn’t capture when using
○ Other
■ Enabled compiler optimisations in native plugin
■ Many UI improvements
■ Corrected documentation steps for exporting transparent video
● Version 3.4.4 - 23 May 2018
○ Improvements
■ Added new timelapse field to allow videos to be captured at a fraction
of the rate at which they will be played back. The field timelapseScale
controls this. If your video frame rate is set to 30 and timelapseScale
is set to 2 then it will capture only at 15fps, but generate a 30fps video
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed rare issue where render functions could become null
■ Blocked FFDShow codec from enumerating as this old codec is quite
buggy and could cause crashes
○ Other
■ Improved version number function
● Version 3.4.2 - 17 May 2018
○ Improvements
■ Added new 180 degree capture mode to the 360 and 360ODS capture
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AVPro Movie Capture © 2012-2019 RenderHeads Ltd
○ Bug fixes
■ CaptureFromCamera component now includes contributing cameras
that are disabled in case they are enabled later
■ Script execution order of capture components changed from 100 to
29000 so capture happens later than user scripts
○ Other
■ “View last capture” button now coloured to improve workflow
● Version 3.4.0 - 14 May 2018
○ Improvements
■ CaptureFromTexture now has logic to signal when the texture has
changed, making texture capture more controllable, and capturing
from webcam textures produce smoother results
■ CaptureFromCamera UI improved to make working with contributing
cameras easier
■ API: videoCodecPriority field changed to a property so that it correctly
calls SelectCodec() when changed
■ API: forceGpuFlush added to force the GPU to flush during each
capture, which causes less latency but can reduce performance
■ Better codec enumeration so non-compressors are no longer
included, and Logitech’s old video encoder is now excluded as it
causes problems on some systems and isn’t generally useful
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed issue when using MF H.264 codec where pausing didn’t
properly pause the internal clock
○ Other
■ Webcam demo changed to only capture a single camera at once since
multi-source capture isn’t working currently, and to use the new
manual signal with CaptureFromTexture to make sure no frames are
missing or duplicated
● Version 3.3.2 - 23 February 2018
○ Improvements
■ UnityAudioCapture component can now be attached to other objects
besides the AudioListener, such as the AudioSource component, and
it can mute the audio once it has grabbed it
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed a bug where RenderTextures with generate mipmaps enabled
couldn’t be captured
■ Fixed 360 stereo ODS capture problem with some image effects (such
as HBAO) which needed reactivation
■ Fixed some shaders that had been automatically upgraded for newer
versions of Unity so they’re backwardly compatible again
○ Other
■ Updated all copyright messages to 2018
■ Tested with Unity 2018.1.0b8
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AVPro Movie Capture © 2012-2019 RenderHeads Ltd
■ Now also uploading versions using Unity 5.5 and 5.6 to prevent the
script/shader upgrade warnings
● Version 3.3.1 - 10 December 2017
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed shader compile error in Unity 2017.3 when single pass
instanced stereo mode is enabled for VR rendering
● Version 3.3 - 9 November 2017
○ Improvements
■ Major performance improvements by no longer stalling the GPU
during capturing
■ The mouse cursor now has an offset value for the hotspot and a scale
● Version 3.2 - 5 October 2017
○ Improvements
■ CaptureFromCamera now supports camera chains where multiple
cameras contribute to the final render
■ Improved compatibility with older systems by not relying on some
Media Foundation DLLs
■ Added a new option “_supportTextureRecreate” which now defaults to
“off” which improves performance by removing a per-frame GPU sync
point. Enable this option if you need to support texture recreation
during a capture (for example when the GPU device is lost due to
window resize or alt-tab when using exclusive fullscreen mode)
■ Improved inspector UI for audio source selection
■ Added MF H.264 capture option to CaptureGUI
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed some ODS 360 capture settings not being applied
● Version 3.14 - 7 September 2017
○ Improvements
■ Added new UI button to view the captured video immediately instead
of via Windows Explorer
■ Improved support for capturing when using OpenGL emulation, which
can happen when having the build platform not set to Windows
■ CaptureFromScreen component generates less garbage by caching
the YieldInstruction
■ Improved encoded time display
■ Improved error messages
■ Improvements to UI
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed bug where capture window could not set the file name or
■ Fixed bug where Capture Window would add UnityAudioOutput
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AVPro Movie Capture © 2012-2019 RenderHeads Ltd
component to the main camera instead of to the GameObject with the
■ Fixed the encoded time information for real-time captures
● Version 3.12 - 30 August 2017
○ Bug fixes
■ CaptureFromTexture and CaptureFromCamera360 components now
no longer accumulate and render when capture is paused
○ Minor
■ Added helpful warning when using the profiler with 360 Camera ODS
component. Have the profiler completely disabled (disable record,
close the window, remove the tab and restart Unity), otherwise it will
use too much memory when using ODS component.
■ Added new “about” section to inspector
■ Added a better check for plugin version mismatches
■ Some improved texture cleanup and discards
■ Improved camera 360 demo script to make cubes fall away instead of
● Version 3.10 - 27 August 2017
○ Upgrade Notes
■ If upgrading from version 2.x then you must delete all of the files for
any previous copies of AVPro Movie Capture in your project before
importing this version. This is because many files have been renamed
and the folder structure has changed significantly.
○ Improvements
■ A preview of the captured frames is now displayed
■ Pause during offline rendering now pauses Unity by settings
Time.timeScale to zero
■ Various minor UI and other improvements
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed deferred rendering support for stereo ODS component
■ Fixed motion blur timing and sample count issues
■ Fixed disabling MSAA when using deferred rendering with stereo ODS
■ Fixed some anti-aliasing and cubemap depth states not being set
■ Added a workaround for a bug in Unity 5.6.0 - 5.6.1 (#902409)
■ Noted a bug in Unity 2017.1.0 - 2017.2.0 in CaptureFromCamera360
that causes the background to render white when camera clear mode
is set to solid colour
● Version 3.01 - 21 August 2017
○ Upgrade Notes
■ If upgrading from version 2.x then you must delete all of the files for
any previous copies of AVPro Movie Capture in your project before
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AVPro Movie Capture © 2012-2019 RenderHeads Ltd
importing this version. This is because many files have been renamed
and the folder structure has changed significantly.
○ Improvements
■ Added named pipe output option to the Capture Window and
improvements to the inspector
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed some bugs related to using named pipes
■ Fixed some rare null exceptions that could happen when upgrading
from previous version which used specific codec indices
● Version 3.0 - 11 August 2017
○ Upgrade Notes
■ If upgrading from version 2.x then you must delete all of the files for
any previous copies of AVPro Movie Capture in your project before
importing this version. This is because many files have been renamed
and the folder structure has changed significantly.
○ Improvements
■ Added Unity 2017 support
■ UI revamped to be easier to use and better looking
■ Huge code cleanup: moved everything into a namespace, classes
renamed, code documentation improved, documentation updated etc
■ Added new Omni-Directional Stereo (ODS) capture component for
capturing stereo 360 in a more accurate way. This new method is
much slower and is intended for off-line rendering only. Based on:
■ Added options to automatically stop the capture / render after a certain
number of frames or seconds
■ Performance improvements, the capture no longer forces Unity to run
at the capture rate
■ Exposed the Camera360 stereo options in the AVPro Movie Capture
■ CaptureFromCamera and CaptureFromCamera360 components no
longer require to be attached to a GameObject with a Camera. The
camera can be set manually via the exposed field. If no camera is
assigned it will try to find the Camera component on the same
■ The free trial version is now on the Unity Asset Store and allows for 10
seconds of capture without any watermarking.
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed audio capture in Camera360 component
■ Fixed captures trying to use MSAA and Deferred rendering together
■ Fixed a bug where “Start Paused” option would be ignored
■ Fixed issue where UnityAudioCapture component would be enabled
when capture started with StartPaused option and Pause/Resume
wouldn’t toggle enabled status of UnityAudioCapture component
■ Fixed “Open Last Capture” sometimes not storing the last capture
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AVPro Movie Capture © 2012-2019 RenderHeads Ltd
● Version 2.99 - 11 April 2017
○ Improvements
■ Added stereo rendering support to the 360 camera capture
component. 360 captures can now be rendered in mono, stereo
top-bottom or stereo left-right
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed a memory leak in the Media Foundation recorder
● Version 2.98 - 7 April 2017
○ Improvements
■ Texture capture component is now much faster
■ Motion blur capture now works with the Surround 360 and Texture
capture components
■ Added option to include mouse cursor in the capture
■ Texture capture demo improved
■ Increased capture resolution limit from 8K to 16K
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed audio delay when capturing webcam and microphone
■ Removed dependency on Media Foundation so older versions of
Windows are supported again
■ Various fixes made to the motion blur component
● Version 2.96 - 6 March 2017
○ Improvements
■ 360 surround capture can now render uGUI elements when canvas is
set to camera or world modes.
■ 360 surround capture now supports camera rotation
■ Fixed 360 surround capture orientation, as it was flipped horizontally
■ Improved motion blur support in 360 camera capture
■ Added Media Foundation capture option to Editor window
○ UI / Workflow
■ Editor window UI improvements, including context hiding and usage
○ Bug fixes
■ Fixed FromCamera capture bug where build captures would render
black to the screen
■ Fixed bug where editor window would unnecessarily spawn
AudioCapture component
■ Fixed bug where audio capture component would be accessed when it
■ Fixed crash bug in webcam demo
● Version 2.94 - 27 September 2016
○ Fixed issue where camera captures would freeze when vsync changed
● Version 2.92 - 26 September 2016
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AVPro Movie Capture © 2012-2019 RenderHeads Ltd
○ Fixed support for capturing transparency
○ Improved robustness for enumeration of buggy audio devices
○ Update documentation

AVPro Movie Capture3.7.4.unitypackage.zip

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Rank: 6Rank: 6


最佳新人 活跃会员 热心会员 灌水之王 突出贡献

发表于 2019-9-28 21:46:40 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报








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