汇宝盆 > 资源交易区 > 3D插件 > Unity > 无限地图游戏引擎




Requires Unity 5.3.5 or higher. The Infinite Runner Engine is a highly customizable, optimized and easy to use solution that will provide you with everything you need to create your very own endless game. It comes with a lot of complete examples (platformer, lane runner, etc...). Completely mobile/touch ready, it's never been this easy to create endless games. What does the Infinite Runner Engine do ? - Create the endless game YOU want : the asset comes with tons of common use classes, easy to customize for your own needs - Optimized for mobile, great performance, recycled objects, works great everywhere! - Built-in examples : the Infinite Runner Engine comes packed with tons of complete games, assets and classes, ready to use! - Handles all the hard work : achievements, object pools, spawners, camera controllers, game status, events, multiple characters, pickable objects, highscores and so much more! - Super easy to use : tweak the engine core objects straight from the inspector. Plus - Complete documentation of all the classes, the entire codebase is commented, and here's a video tutorial. Whether your idea for an endless runner game is a sidescrolling, fast paced runner like Canabalt, or maybe a 3rd person view game like Temple Run, this asset's got you covered.

    插件名称:无限地图游戏引擎 大      小:40M 价格:¥2.00
    软件要求: Unity 5.3.5以上 运行环境:


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关键词: Unity插件


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