文字游戏框架Word Game Builder Pro-文字游戏框架Word Game Builder Pro下载-免费下载3D模型库-汇宝盆
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文字游戏框架Word Game Builder Pro




Requires Unity 4.6.0 or higher. Word Game Builder is an extensive, versatile system to create your own high-performance word games. Word Game Builder is available in two editions: Standard and Pro. Compare editions here. Features of Word Game Builder: ? Multiple languages (English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish are included) ? Fast, efficient word checking ? Permutation checking and prefix checking ? Letter tiles, players, tile distributions and word game AIs ? Easy to use event binding ? Mobile-ready, with a fully documented example game ? Built-in support for sprites, meshes, Unity UI, NGUI, and 2D Toolkit ? Source code access [WGB Pro] The package is mobile-ready and comes with a fully documented example game. ─────────────────────── Why choose Thinksquirrel assets? ? World class support: We take support seriously. All Thinksquirrel products and services come with access to both our knowledge base and direct support. ? Great performance: Focus on what's important: creating your vision. Our tools have a very low overhead and just work. ? On every device: Thinksquirrel products work on every platform supported by Unity. Whether you're targeting PC, Mac, mobile, or anything else, our tools help you get the job done. For more information and product updates, sign up for our mailing list! Be the first to hear about special offers and new products.

    插件名称:文字游戏框架Word Game Builder Pro 大      小:11.1M 价格:¥0
    软件要求:Unity4.6.0以上 运行环境:


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关键词: 框架Unity


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