傀儡巨人模型Golem Collection 1.3.1-傀儡巨人模型Golem Collection 1.3.1下载-免费下载3D模型库-汇宝盆
汇宝盆 > 资源交易区 > 3D模型 > 人物角色 > 傀儡巨人模型Golem Collection 1.3.1
傀儡巨人模型Golem Collection 1.3.1




Requires Unity 5.3.2 or higher. [Golem Collection] This pack includes all the 12 mighty low-poly golem characters available at the UAS. Golems are mecanim humanoid compatible. Demo scenes include fully set up third-person controller for each golem. UPDATE 1.3: New Insect Golem and Stalactite Golem included UPDATE 1.2: New Obsidian Golem included UPDATE 1.1: Improved animations and demo scenes. The collection includes all these asset store packages: - Water Golem - Air Golem - Fire Golem - Crystal Golem - Plasma Golem - Nature Golem - Steam Golem - Darkness Golem - Fog Golem - Obsidian Golem - Insect Golem - Stalagmite Golem Every golem includes: - Customized shaders to simulate FX (if needed) - Customized particle systems (if needed) - A combination of these texture maps: * Diffuse Map * Normal Map * Emissive Map * Specular Map - Animation list: * Idle * Left Punch * Right Punch * Double Attack * Jump * Death

    模型名称:傀儡巨人模型Golem Collection 1.3.1 价格:¥2.00
    软件/格式/大小: Unity 5.3.2以上,.unitypackage,300M;
    顶点数:0 面 数:0 动 画: 有
    风   格: 贴 图: 有 材 质: 有


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关键词: 模型Unity


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