Crossy Bridge 1.0.1完整游戏工程-Crossy Bridge 1.0.1完整游戏工程下载-免费下载3D模型库-汇宝盆
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Crossy Bridge 1.0.1完整游戏工程




Requires Unity 5.3.5 or higher. Crossy Bridge requires the player to tap accurately to place the bridges at the right positions to help the car goes through. It's a fast-paced endless runner game that will put the player’s reflexes to the ultimate test! APK DEMO | DOCUMENTATION FEATURES: - Addictive one-touch gameplay. - Many built-in characters with cute blocky style. - Daily reward system. - All assets (sounds, fonts, models, sprites, etc.) are free for commercial use. - Optimized for iOS and Android. - Detailed documentation. PREMIUM FEATURES: This template is pre-integrated with Easy Mobile Plugin for following features: - Support for AdMob, Chartboost, Heyzap and Unity Ads. - In-app purchasing. - Leaderboards and achievements - Native sharing - Native alerts Notes: * Being pre-integrated means you won't need to write a single line of integration code, everything was done beforehand. All you need is import Easy Mobile and configure it in the editor. ** The use of Easy Mobile is totally optional, this template is fully functioning on its own. *** There's an option to disable premium features (UI components, integration code, etc.) so that they won't affect the core game.

    文件名称:Crossy Bridge 1.0.1完整游戏工程 大小:7.1 价格:¥2.00
    版本要求: Unity 5.3.5 以上 运行环境:


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关键词: 游戏工程Unity


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