Make It Random Complete随机生成插件-Make It Random Complete随机生成插件下载-免费下载3D模型库-汇宝盆
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Make It Random Complete随机生成插件




Requires Unity 5.0.0 or higher. A serious RNG library for serious engineers. Make It Random is a fast, flexible, extensible, and feature-rich random number generation library. Unlike UnityEngine.Random, Make It Random provides the following benefits: ? Offers a wide variety of utilities on top of the basic random number generation, including non-uniform distribution sampling. ? Produces higher quality uniform distributions of integer and floating point numbers. ? Allows multiple concurrent random engines, each seeded differently, independently generating sequences of random values. ? Can be seeded using a wider variety of data, such as strings or byte arrays of any length. ? Can be used on any thread, not just the main thread. ? Includes multiple random engine algorithms and supports implementation of your own. ? Reduces confusion about whether the lower and upper bounds of ranges are inclusive or exclusive. The categories of random data that Make It Random can generate includes: ? bits ? integers ? floating point numbers ? angles ? vectors and quaternions ? strings ? dice rolls ? colors (includes Make It Colorful) In addition, Make It Random includes utilities for the following, with support for non-uniform weights where applicable: ? evaluating probabilities ? sampling from distributions ? selecting elements from a list ? selecting values from an enumeration ? selecting values from the set {-1, 0, +1} ? shuffling a list The library is very extensible, to support whatever underlying RNGs and extension functions you might want. Full source code is included.

    插件名称:Make It Random Complete随机生成插件 大      小:3.6M 价格:¥2.00
    软件要求:Unity 5.0.0以上 运行环境:


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关键词: 插件Unity


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