Requires Unity 5.4.1 or higher. Environment Gator The Environment Gator is a fully programmable game environments generator that enables you to create , program and control dynamic game environments. Based on a complete and detailed Day-Night cycle, it includes a programmable WeatherEngine with his internal clouds system and many others features. Controls & Extends default skyboxes features. Up to 6 skyBox modes: -Procedural -Custom EG skyboxes ( Simple, advanced ) -1xCubeMap -2xCubeMaps Blend -3xCubeMaps Blend -Solid Color Rendering -Forward/Deferred Path -Linear/Gamma Color Space -HDR -Image effects manager Static or dynamic scenes. The EG will take care of everything we told him to do, until we tell him to do something else! -GameTime -Global Illumination
插件名称:Environment Gator环境插件 | 大 小:202.3M | 价格:¥2.00 |
软件要求:Unity 5.4.1以上 | 运行环境: |
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