宇宙图形工具包Space Graphics Toolkit -宇宙图形工具包Space Graphics Toolkit 下载-免费下载3D模型库-汇宝盆
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宇宙图形工具包Space Graphics Toolkit




Requires Unity 4.5.0 or higher. Space Graphics Toolkit is a huge collection of fully customizable components that allow you to make anything you want for your space scenes. Here is a list of the main components currently in this asset: ? Atmosphere - Allows you to apply a fully volumetric atmospheric haze around your stars and planets, with full control over the density, colors, light scattering, lighting, shadows, etc. ? Jovian - Allows you to create fully volumetric gas giants, with full control over the density, colors, etc. Works great with the Ring and Ring Shadow components too! ? Singularity (NEW) - Allows you to create black holes that suck up and distort the light around them, with full control over the size, color shifting, strength, etc. ? Terrain (NEW) - Allows you to create planets and stars that have dynamic LOD (mesh detail increases as the camera approaches), works great with the Atmosphere component.

    插件名称:宇宙图形工具包Space Graphics Toolkit 大      小:213.4M 价格:¥2.00
    软件要求: Unity 4.5.0以上 运行环境:


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关键词: 插件Unity


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