Adventure Creator冒险游戏创建插件-Adventure Creator冒险游戏创建插件下载-免费下载3D模型库-汇宝盆
汇宝盆 > 资源交易区 > 3D插件 > Unity > Adventure Creator冒险游戏创建插件
Adventure Creator冒险游戏创建插件




要求Unity 4.6.8 或更高版本。 Adventure Creator is the only asset you need to make a 2D, 2.5D or 3D adventure game in Unity - no coding required. ● 3D Demo ● 2D Demo ● Feature list ● Video tutorials ● Online manual AC makes game-making a breeze, with its visual scripting system and intuitive Editor controls. Beginners can build an entire game without writing a line of code, while programmers can plug-and-play their own functionality with the documented API. Created by the author of a commercial title, AC has all the features needed to bring a traditional adventure to market: ● 2D, 2.5D and 3D game modes ● Point and click, direct and FPS movement ● Keyboard, mouse, controller, touch input ● Build to PC, Mac, WebGL, iOS and Android ● NPCs, conversation and interactions ● Inventory, crafting and containers ● Facial expressions and lipsyncing ● Variables to create puzzle logic ● The Room-like physics system ● Completely customisable UI ● Timed sequences and QTEs ● Player-character switching ● Extensive documentation ● Full translation support ● Source code included ● Saving and loading ● Demo source files AC also integrates with: ● Dialogue System ● Cinema Director ● Ultimate FPS ● 2D Toolkit ● PlayMaker ● LipSync ● FaceFX ● SALSA ● Slate ● RT-Voice

    插件名称:Adventure Creator冒险游戏创建插件 大      小:58.7M 价格:¥2.00
    软件要求:Unity 4.6.8以上 运行环境:


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关键词: 插件Unity


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